Monday, April 20, 2009

A Special Blessing

Life without a headache...still puzzles me :)

I wanted to share a very special experience. I don't often talk about this because it is something very special but I want to write it down so that one day when John is old enough he will be able to read this and appreciate this special blessing.

In 1993, I was just starting one of the hardest parts of my life. It was the beginning of a divorce. My Dad was always good at asking his children if they would like a blessing when we were sick or 'just because'. Dad came over to my house one day and said he would like to give me a 'Father's blessing'. In this blessing, he told me that my Heavenly Father wanted me to know that a son was waiting in heaven until the time he could be born into our family. Now I thought this was a very strange thing to say, especially considering the timing. As soon as Dad said "Amen", I immediately asked him why he had said that. He told me he did not remember saying it and seemed somewhat sad as if he had offended me. I knew why he did not remember saying was something he had not himself planned to say.

When I was pregnant and went to the Doctor for the ultrasound, I told the technician, I knew I was having a boy. I told him it would be my parent's first grandson. (They had 2 grandsons, but this would be their first biological grandson). Brad, the technician asked me how I knew and I just smiled. Sure enough the ultrasound proved I was carrying a son. There was no denying it ....:)

The blessing my Dad gave me was TEN years previous to this. This has been and always will be a very special experience for me.

~John Sims- "Never to be forgotten! Always to be Remembered"

"We love and miss you Dad"


Alan Tong. said...

Your dad was always a very spiritual man. He lives his life in such a way that he merits the Holy Ghost as his constant companion.

savery711 said...

Thanks for sharing, Max. That's an amazingly special experience.