Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back to posting!

I have not posted for a while due to internet issues but mainly due to emotional issues. I can never get through a post without sobbing. Oh dear, I so miss my Father. You know many people say "At least you know where he is" or "He is in a better place". Whilst this is true, I know where Dad would be if he had been 98 when he died.
Today is my birthday and the first one I have never heard 'Happy Birthday' from my Dad. In fact, I cried when I opened the birthday card my Mom had sent me and it didn't have his name in it. I do know he will be sending his love from above and that he wants me to know this everyday.

In every prayer I say, I always thank God for sending me to two wonderful people, my parents. They have done so much for me and been there for me every step of the way. Although Dad is not physically with me now, I can feel his presence and although I really didn't want to go to church today as I was so jet lagged and tired from our week in Hawaii, I could hear my Dad's voice in my mind telling me to get up and go to church. I know that he smiled when I eventually gave in and got up, got ready and went.
I am going to get back to posting daily as I know many of you really enjoy reading our memories and learning more about Dad.
"We love and miss you Dad"


savery711 said...

Happy Birthday, once again, Max. Thanks for powering through.

Alan Tong said...

Happy 21st Maxine!! (Hmmm. Or is it 22nd?)

I know your mum is having a tough time of things at the mo. I try to call her daily, but sometimes get a little busy, and don't get to. I know she is dreading when Jared goes back next week, and will find things very difficult then. I will make sure my calls are every day then, as I know it will be very lonely for her. (Better speak to Alan Tong than speak to no-one.) (Just!!)

I hope you have a better day. (John 14:16-18.)

Warm regards,
